Month: November 2020

Still There

The rose was still intact as beautiful as can be. The cremation was complete, but the rose he could see. You may say that can’t be and that’s what I thought. So I called to find out – it was the truth that I sought. The...

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A Story

Drawn in by a connection. Our hearts connect to someone. They are in trouble. There is someone evil who is out to get them. They must be rescued. There is a hero. The hero is courageous and strong. They cry for help. They are...

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Love for a Precious Heart

A smile, a touch, a song, a kind word. Like waves through the air they bring us life. Fragile, open, soft and responsive. We thirst for them like water drinking them in. I’m seen, I belong, someone cares, I am special. All of us...

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