Children, I want to tell you a story that comes straight from my heart.
A story written over time with wisdom to impart.
We all come into the world with all kinds of ambitions.
Unaware that we’re swimming in a pool of traditions.
Like a fish not understanding when he’s told that he’s wet.
We simply do what we do, not aware of the threats.
We respond to what comes at us the best that we can.
Not knowing the customs in this foreign land.
You may find ways to meet your needs for a time.
But this life is about much more than a climb.
We all face confusion and questions we can’t answer.
Circumstances that confound us like a diagnosis of cancer.
You see the chaos we face is there for a reason.
So much larger than us and the result of a treason.
What I’ve learned over time through a lot of ordeals.
Is that the answers are here, but they must be revealed.
You must come to a place where you cry out from your heart.
For God to let you see what only He can impart.
The answers you’re looking for are not found within.
They’re found in the One that always has been.
We did not evolve from some tiny ameba.
This is a myth we’ve been given like anesthesia.
The greatest scientists on the planet have no explanations.
For the origins of life and all its variations.
Just look into the mirror at your eyes staring back.
Their complexity is something we’re only starting to unpack.
We have code in our DNA that requires a coder.
But the language it’s in has no promoter.
There is a book in the Bible that explains our situation.
The last verses of which have caused quite a sensation.
It tells of a King who had everything he wanted.
Yet he too would die and from this world be departed.
The words that he left us are ones I want you to know.
Because their direction will guide you and allow you to grow.
To fear God you must first believe He is there.
Without that admission you won’t even care.
And the Bible will just be an ancient old book.
The words on the pages easily overlooked.
Yes there is good and evil, just look all around.
The consequences of which will surely resound.
There’s a battle that’s raging that you can’t even see.
And the choice you’re given could set you free.
There is someone who is calling for you to believe.
He has a gift waiting, you need only receive.
There are no hoops to jump through.
And no tasks you must do.
Use all of your mind to seek out the truth.
Check out the facts, you be the sleuth.
I am confident you’ll find, at the end of your searching.
That Jesus is alive and loves your returning.
Ecclesiastes 12:13-14
Now all has been heard;
here is the conclusion of the matter:
Fear God and keep his commandments,
for this is the duty of all mankind.
For God will bring every deed into judgment,
including every hidden thing,
whether it is good or evil.
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