The message has not changed for over 2,000 years.
Though many have tried to alter it – it still perseveres.
In fact there’ve been countless who’ve wanted it gone.
Yet year after year it continues to live on.
What is it about this message that keeps it alive?
That passes it on and allows it to thrive?
A message like this is like no other.
Its meaning is something you must discover.
Though the words are there for everyone to see.
There’s only One who will give you the key.
To understand the message your eyes must be open.
For the meaning is only revealed to the chosen.
Part of the message itself tells us to seek.
And that we’ll find what we’re looking for even if it’s deep.
You see the message is one that you desperately need.
Yet you turn away from it and try to flee.
You can not out run it and you can not hide.
This message will pursue you and demand a reply.
So what’s in this message that requests our response?
The truth about this life and the shackles it unlocks.
So here are the basics at a very high level.
Each of them containing something essential.
First you must believe that even when we’re born,
That there’s something in you that is definitely torn.
If you believe you’re ok and have done nothing wrong,
And there’s no shame inside you – go ahead and move on.
But if you’ve been convicted deep down inside.
And you know you need something that can’t be denied.
Then this message is for you and I encourage you to start.
To use all your mind and all of your heart.
The second key point defines who God is.
To show you this point let’s begin with a quiz.
What is three in person and one in essence?
An amazing and mysterious coalescence.
Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
Perfectly one and without any limit.
The message is clear – our God is one.
And the story He’s telling is not yet done.
The third key point that we’re called to embrace,
Is our desperate need for the gift of God’s grace.
When you come to understand that you can’t do it on your own.
In extreme desperation you come to the throne.
And call out from deep down from the depths of your being.
To the only One who can give you the meaning.
The next point is one that so many resist.
That Jesus is God the scripture insists.
A man can not bring life after death.
Only God can bring life with a heavenly breath.
He said He is God, yet He also is man.
He was born of a virgin – it was part of the plan.
This point is one that may cause you to stumble.
But remember this message is meant for the humble.
To think that you know more than the Creator of all,
Is the direct result of the most awful fall.
The next key point is a gift like no other.
That Jesus died so that we would not suffer.
He took our place and paid our debt.
Allowing our relationship with our Father to be reset.
This next key point is at the center of it all.
If this didn’t happen there’d be no call.
He rose after death with the marks on his skin.
Even allowing Thomas to put his fingers within.
The power of seeing Christ bodily risen,
Enabled His disciples to fulfill their commission.
The last of the points I want you to know,
Is that faith is the thing that will allow you to grow.
It doesn’t take faith if the outcome is assured,
It takes faith to move when your sight is obscured.
To trust that this message actually is true.
And that these things really happened and have an impact on you.
Even though the message was always close by,
For much of my life I thought it didn’t apply.
As I got older and experienced this world,
The truth of the message continues to be unfurled.
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