A smile, a touch, a song, a kind word.
Like waves through the air they bring us life.
Fragile, open, soft and responsive.
We thirst for them like water drinking them in.
I’m seen, I belong, someone cares, I am special.
All of us the same no matter where we’re from.
Growing, exploring, sharing and testing.
We respond without thinking with hope in our hearts.
A promise not kept, a date that’s broken, a harsh word or worse.
We break, we recoil, we lash out or we hide.
No one is immune in a world that is fallen.
Who will protect us, keep us, care for us or guide us?
We look inside for the will to overcome.
Striving, trying, working and straining.
Still not able to fill the hole inside.
Crying out, shaking our fists, reaching and pleading for help.
A savior, a redeemer, a deliverer, Light to the World.
He reaches out and draws us in.
Loved, adopted, cherished, and born again.
Filled with God’s love and aware of His larger story.
We move with courage, risk our lives, share His love, reflect His Glory.
Turning to those in the darkness and on the fringes.
Feeding, clothing, sheltering and providing.
We share the good news of the One who can be trusted with our hearts.
Jesus, Lord of Lords, King of Kings, Immanuel.
It is for You and Your promises that we Hope!
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