We long to connect with those that we love.
To be drawn together with a charge from above.
Yet, for so many there’s not even a spark.
They’re not even aware that their hearts have gone dark.
The emotions once stirring, now buried so deep.
Have all settled down for a strange kind of sleep.
Occasionally erupting to let off some steam.
They’re there, in the background, as if in a dream.
We can ignore them and pretend they’re not even there.
But that’s like pretending you’re floating in air.
Emotions are what drive us, to do what we do.
Denying that they’re there, doesn’t make that less true.
Just stop for a moment and move down to your heart.
And listen to the message it’s trying to impart.
The language it speaks is like no other.
Ideally, it’s shared between your father and mother.
But in this world our hearts have been broken.
And the result of this, is that too much goes unspoken.
We do not learn how to share what’s inside.
To coax the feelings from the places they hide.
Ironically, it’s emotions themselves that have created a shield.
Surrounding our hearts with walls of steel.
Guilt, shame, sadness and anger
It’s as if our hearts have been put into the vault of a banker.
To live like we’re supposed to, we must have the key.
That unlocks our hearts and allows us to be free.
To release our hearts from this personal prison,
We need the One who has assuredly risen.
The One who was scorned and hung on a cross.
Who took on our sins so that we wouldn’t be lost.
When you’re born into a world that is so wicked and evil.
You need nothing short of a complete upheaval.
To be jarred from that place that seems so secure,
To move into relationships which are much less assured.
We’ve learned to protect ourselves in so many ways,
Without even thinking, our defensiveness displays.
A chuckle, smile or more cutting response,
Whatever the weapon is, it’s firmly ensconced.
Becoming aware of your knee jerk reactions,
Allows you to see your own infractions.
You see, we all have a story that explains who we are.
Made up of people and events that surely left scars.
Hiding our hearts doesn’t allow us to connect,
It keeps us isolated and alone, the result of evil’s effect.
To love our God and others as well,
We need Jesus to help us remove our shell.
We need Him to go with us into those places filled with pain,
Bringing His love and healing to take back that terrain.
And going on that journey as hard as it may be,
Will allow you to share your emotions and truly be free.
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