Category: Poems

The Treasure

I didn’t have a map just a gnawing feeling, A yearning to know down in the depths of my being. Driven to go and to find the answers, Like a researcher searching for the cure for cancer. Constantly thinking and wondering why? So...

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It’s Rational

When you have your eyes open, and you look all around,The sights and the sounds, they simply astound.Your mind works so hard, to process it all,Crunching all the data, until hitting a wall.Why? How? You do want to know,The truth...

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For You Caregivers

You are there at night when nobody sees, To take care of our loved ones and answer their pleas. You are there during the day as life passes by, Offering a smile, a hand, or a shoulder on which to cry, The work that you do is...

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What Will You Do?

We’re divided, that’s not something new, I’m hoping all who read this will not misconstrue. Words are important, as they enable us to share ideas. What I want to convey here are not panaceas. For people to connect and truly...

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Awakening Your Heart

We long to connect with those that we love. To be drawn together with a charge from above. Yet, for so many there’s not even a spark. They’re not even aware that their hearts have gone dark. The emotions once stirring, now...

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They are Babies!

They’re Babies! I want to scream out from the depths of my soul – It’s wrong!  It’s Evil!  It shouldn’t be done! Slaves had families and feelings – they were human! Babies in the womb also have families and can feel...

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True Hope Not Wishful Thinking

True hope is not wishful thinking. When we as Christians say we have hope, It comes from knowing that our God – the Father, Son and Holy Spirit is alive and moving in this world with a plan to redeem all of creation, even...

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The Message

The message has not changed for over 2,000 years. Though many have tried to alter it – it still perseveres. In fact there’ve been countless who’ve wanted it gone. Yet year after year it continues to live on. What is it...

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Wisdom from Dad

Children, I want to tell you a story that comes straight from my heart. A story written over time with wisdom to impart. We all come into the world with all kinds of ambitions. Unaware that we’re swimming in a pool of...

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Something inside

Lord,  There is something inside that longs to come out. A message from you Lord there is no doubt. A message for those who have lost all hope. For those who feel like they’re at the end of their rope. So desperate for something...

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the kingdom of god

A reality as real as the breath in your lungs.  You can’t grasp it or see it but its truth overcomes. It’s more than the sum of its tiniest parts.  Its light starts to shine down deep in our hearts. Like a seed that is buried...

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I am incredibly sad down to the depths of my being. The brokenness I feel sure has me reeling. Looking back or ahead it’s the place that I’m in. But I know in my heart I must let You in. You know where I’m at ‘cause you’ve been...

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